#the possibilities are thrilling
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my-name-is-apollo · 5 months ago
I know Ares being Zeus' least favorite child is a popular interpretation, but I think it's interesting that Callimachus' hymn says otherwise:
And thou didst not tremble before the anger of Hera, who murmured terribly against all child-bearing women that bare children to Zeus, but especially against Leto, for that she only was to bear to Zeus a son dearer even than Ares.
– Callimachus, Hymn to Delos (trans. A.W Mair)
Only Leto would bear a son who would be dearer to Zeus than Ares is. Which means that the sons that other women bore were not as dear to Zeus as Ares is, if I'm interpreting this correctly. It's honestly kinda fascinating.
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martianbugsbunny · 6 months ago
My TNG poll is over (Data won and I should not be surprised lmao; proud of dealer's choice Will Riker for pulling a solid third) so let's do another one!
Dax and Odo don't get to be in it because that feels like cheating. they're actually trans.
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cosmicdenro · 14 days ago
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something something the illegal street racers have now switched to being bikers and Bumblebee and Prowl decide to take part (the Race comic lives in my head rent free. the universe must let prowl give into more silliness and sassiness) as a teamwork exercise but things get out of control. possibly cuz of it again being a rigged deathly racing..
also V
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cute as hell. what are you worried about prowl. he's the one getting attention. not you. smiles
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jesuistrestriste · 4 months ago
Sage hear me out.
Imagine taking pictures of Stanford art in the SLUTTIEST lingerie and using it as blackmail or to get what you want.
“Huh, I guess I’m gonna have to show Patrick that photo-”
“W-wait- fine.. just take my credit card..”
oh i’m hearinggg you out !
dressing him up in pretty pieces of frilly pink and black lingerie; caressing the straps of the bralette while he flushes and looks away. he pouts while you snap pictures and tell him how beautiful he is, but he secretly adores the way you dote on him—the way you put him in vulnerable positions while he’s in front of your lens..
it gets him throbbing under all of the lace.
so when he involuntarily cums all over the inside of the panties (that basically hold only half of his cock) after the first fifteen photos—a brush of your hand along his inner thigh being all that it takes for him to lose it—you have to blackmail him a little so he’ll pawn over his bank cards or some cash (for you to buy a new, clean set).
at first, he shakes his head and blames you for his premature ejaculation:/ telling you how he ‘wouldn’t have climaxed so fast if you hadn’t touched him in one of his weakspots’. which is basically him telling you that he won’t pay for a replacement pair of panties.
but his tune changes veryy quickly when you flip the camera around and show him all of the nasty photos you took of him just a couple of minutes prior.
including one where he’s actively orgasming.
his toned tummy curled in while his eyes stay squeezed shut and his mouth hangs open in a sharp keen. he’s pink from his cheeks down to his chest. dribbles of sticky, milky white cascading over his skin.
“if you don’t pay for what you ruined, i’m gonna send this to everyone i know. and that includes patrick.”
and art’s eyes widen immediately. he’s scrambling to pull his wallet out from his abandoned gym bag on the floor, while also trying to ignore the twitch he feels down there at the idea of being exposed in such a way..
he’s a complex guy.
and he thinks you’re manipulative, but at least you’re 80 bucks richer !!
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sword-wielding-sapphic · 1 year ago
My mum just described an actor in a show she's watching as: "the bloke that's always hanging off David Tennant. The flamboyant one."
It was Michael Sheen, of course.
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buckycap · 4 months ago
we haven't seen a dorian and orym who've confessed their feelings and have openly talked about how much they love and care about each other on the battlefield yet, dorian whose never felt this kind of love before but knows he has to protect it and orym who Has felt this kind of love before and has had it ripped away from him and is gonna do everything he possibly can to never have that love taken from him again and will hold onto it with a white knuckled grip
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khorazir · 7 months ago
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Ink lineart of a Payneland drawing inspired by the marvellous And possibly I like the thrill (of under me you quite so new) by @nuttersinc
A watercolour version is in the works.
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stonestan · 4 months ago
literally everyone: i hope robotnik and stone kiss in sonic 3
me, crying, crossing my fingers, praying to god himself: I WANNA SEE THEM DANCE TOGETHER, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
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littlespoonevan · 3 months ago
#obviously i am Thrilled with all the buddie goodness we got this ep#but one thing about this whole eddie/chris storyline that is driving me absolutely UP THE WALLS#is that there has just been absolutely Zero realistic communication about any of it from the audience's perspective#we don't hear anything about logistics in the moments where chris is actually leaving#(about how long he'll be gone for/if it's just for the summer/etc etc)#which whatever fine tim wanted it to be dramatic#but still in season 8 we don't know if there's been any discussion with chris OR helena and ramon about when/if he should be coming home#like you can infer if you want that the diaz parents have no intention of giving up chris and this was the plan all along#but tbh even that is largely extrapolation on the fandom's part bc they haven't told us anything!!!!!!#two facetimes and three conversations eddie's had with people that Aren't his parents is not enough!!!!#and i know it's the Eddie Diaz Routine(tm) to jump to the most extreme possible conclusion re him moving back to el paso#but WHY have we gotten no indication at all that he's attempted to talk this out with chris at some point in the last 5 months???????????#the dust settled a long time ago and eddie has Always been so good at talking to chris even when it's a difficult subject#i refuse to believe we're in last resort territory i'm sorry askdfjhsa#i want to write something about it but there's so much to tackle i don't even know where to start!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#anyway yes i know i was the one pointing out last week that storylines 8 seasons in are not going to be top notch but that doesn't negate#my frustration aksdjfhsih#tbd
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valeovalairs · 6 months ago
Riptide should come back on my birthday. As a treat.
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gale-force-storm · 10 months ago
You know, I think my favorite thing about Gale's whole "watching you in battle makes me horny" scene is like. He's not wrong. A brush with danger does in fact increase one's desire for "other forms of stimulation". Studies have shown that being in situations that cause a rush of adrenaline, be that going on a roller coaster, seeing a scary movie, walking across a swinging suspension bridge, or something else, increase feelings of attraction. It's literally a Known Thing that adventurous stuff is great to do on a date because it will most likely make you more into each other.
Idk, I just love that his come-on is not only extremely nerdy, but also scientifically accurate. Feels correct and I'm glad they did it lol
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perilegs · 2 months ago
Which would you rather be: prey or hunter?
yes. #bisexuality
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cyberpunkboytoy · 11 months ago
You know what? Fuck it. Here's my current theory about the endgame for Alien Stage:
Cure has put the story in a very interesting and unexpected position, especially considering the next matchup. Till feels very untethered right now, with Ivan supposedly dead, Mizi currently not at all focused on him, and his next competitor Luka having basically no connection to him. To me, it feels as though he's at the center of a lot of conflicts that are uninterested in him, caught in the middle. Why is he still here? Where is the story going to take him?
What if: he's the unexpected last man standing?
Here's how I see it playing out: someone (it could be anyone at this point) takes out Luka. Mizi does some sort of sacrifice, accepting her death as it both supports the cause and reunites her with Sua. Hyuna & co are either lost in the conflict, or push the following events into motion: only Till is left.
He could be a symbol of rebellion, which would suit him (to an extent—what initially motivated him is gone now). But he could also be framed as 'winning' Alien Stage, as the show needs someone to win & will manipulate the tragedies as necessary to make it happen. Till, crowned the winner of a competition that has only ever hurt him and those around him, that put him through hell, that chained him like a dog and treated him like a lab rat.
As either the symbol of rebellion or Alien Stage, it would feel like they'd dragged the shell of him into a cause he didn't care about and didn't want. It would be fittingly gutting for the finale of a Vivinos project. I can see it happening.
Apparently we're only halfway through the series, so there's plenty of opportunity for me to be wrong, but 👁️👁️
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sugarsnappeases · 4 months ago
bellareg marriage. thoughts ?
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don’t think i don’t see right through you…. but yes i (we) have many thoughts and i would love to talk about them xxxx
bellareg could have such a good marriage!!! like i genuinely believe they could work so smoothly together.... bella and reg who get married bc bella was supposed to marry sirius (the two first-borns of their respective branches... could do amazing things for the bloodline) but then sirius leaves and bella is fuming and reg is miserable and she basically gets foisted off on him instead alongside all the other Heir duties and no one is particularly happy about it but, in the end, both of them end up more or less getting what they want and need out of the marriage.
like bella absolutely refuses to play the role of the good little wife who follows her husband's lead and agrees w everything he says. she's got her own ambitions and plans and she's too much of a force to ever take anything lying down. but luckily reg doesn't want to lead anyone, or be the heir, or be a big strong husband figure and he's super malleable and easy to 'gently' persuade into things and it could all work out very nicely. like bella being the Man Of The House and the Husband behind closed doors while reg is her pampered little wife. also bella gets to be the kinda by-proxy heir/lord which is obvs v important to her. in a way, she's the head of the family ish and that's like. the power she's always wanted and was jealous of when it came to sirius. and now even if she doesn't properly have it (something that could potentially cause a bit of tension??? but also like. reg wants her to have that power too, he absolutely doesn't want it himself so it would be more of a shared woe ig?? like both of them would love it if they could just have a complete role reversal thing), she still has much more power than would have been possible in any other marriage
anyway bella also kinda guides reg (he goes willingly) into being more embroiled in the death eaters, doing what she thinks is best for him and for them (acting as his husband-wife) and making him better and lavishing him w luxury and basically just holding the reins of the marriage. and reg is happy bc he's safe and protected and bella is enough like sirius that he can ultimately fall in love w her and she's happy to dote on him and she does also love him even if she's maybe not in love w him. bc like you said. he's her cousin of course she loves him but also she loves how successful their marriage is. it's harmonious, easy, simple. it just works.
i think the only potential issue in their marriage is the lack of kids. bc bella to me never ever has or wants kids, but she's married to the heir of the black family and reg also defo wants kids. but i agree w you i think that w the level of influence bella has over reg she'd be able to convince him like 'let's wait until after the war' and there'd just be more and more excuses. like the two of them climb the ranks of the death eaters together (mostly bella but she uses reg and also takes him w her) and she couldn't possibly take the time off to be pregnant, reg, don't you believe in our lord's goals?? and reg of course does bc like. w bella acting as the Husband and the Heir/Lord, she would be the one who dealt w the whole kreacher scenario w voldemort and reg would've never found out about the horcrux or had to question his fanaticism, and also bc of bella he's even more fanatical than he normally would be and so this is a very short conversation and reg never brings it up again lol
but anyway yes i just think they could be so content and it's defo a much better marriage than the one that bella would've had if sirius had stayed bc she'd never be able to take on that Husband role w him and they would've probs ended up killing each other but w reg they can kinda complement each other and work well together and be more or less happy :))) yippeeeeee
anyway here are some more screenshots from our texts bc you’re hilarious and a genius and always completely correct and the other half of my soul and i’m obsessed with you <3
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utilitycaster · 10 months ago
This will possibly skew my poll (although you are encouraged to vote how you want and argue for other things - I would love thoughtful meta on Ludinus's true origins and this is still, ultimately, speculative) but I am really enamored with the idea that he is from the group of elves in northern Wildemount who beseeched Corellon for aid, but were not answered - not because they were ignoring them, but because they had been deafened in battle with Gruumsh. Those elves then attempted to encase their civilization in ice and fled to the Feywild, returning afterwards to rebuild, as the ice didn't work.
This has so many elements that not only fit Ludinus's story, but allow for interesting hooks into other Calamity-era occurrences. If you take the story straight (and then have him get separated from the others in some capacity at any point following not getting an answer from Corellon), this all comes down to Ludinus perceiving an inadvertent absence as a betrayal, setting up the tragedy of dedicating his life to destroying the world, all over a misunderstanding. Sure, Molaesmyr is also the hub of elven culture and few will question his presence, but his willingness to go against the priests of the Arch Heart and to destroy feels much more targeted if it's not a flailing strike at all the gods, but rather vengeance on Corellon's ground.
You also set up where he may have gotten the idea to feed on fey energy and the knowledge to do so effectively; this even could set up how he was able to develop an alliance with the Unseelie Court. The timeline is loose enough - the Veluthil burns for a century post-Calamity - that we don't know what else he might have done. There's a chance for him to return to the Material Plane and work with the original Cerberus Assembly, or to have been the one to have set the arcane fire in the region in the first place. I also think the idea of Ludinus as a terrestrial-based wizard in the era of flying cities makes sense both in that he'd know of Aeor and perhaps even envy it, but be unfamiliar with the details of their tech and therefore preserving the idea that he is painstakingly and cleverly reverse-engineering this tech rather than just badly returning to what he already knew.
Finally: it explains a lot about his base of operations. Why not establish himself in Marquet? Why On some level, he remains in northern Wildemount because that is his home. Maybe he really was in Ivaadel for a time, but this is where he's from, changed as it is. The Dwendalian Empire is a useful tool, and the Cerberus Assembly's new incarnation a seized opportunity, but he could have originally been from where Rexxentrum now stands.
If any of this is the case, and that's a big if, I do wonder if he knows why Corellon didn't answer; or if he ever will.
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flaticeball · 2 years ago
y’know whatever else went on there, whatever else i feel or think, i DO believe from the bottom of my heart and with all the affection possible for both of them that kyle dubas and sidney crosby are cut from the same kind of Weird Little Freak cloth and they are gonna have a fucking blast together. sending the rest of everyone who knows them my prayers and a bottle of tylenol.
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